Making The World
More Insurable
Profitable Risk Underwriting is Driven By Risk Mitigation and Selection
We Are Experts at Evaluating Risk
Green Shield’s proprietary analytics tool, Property Guardian, was created by our team of risk management experts, including former firefighters with on-the-ground wildfire experience.
Our analytics go beyond standard industry risk models, providing a deeper level of insights into a property’s structural details, defensible space, fuel types, risk ratings, community fire protection, weather factors, wildfire characteristics, and more.
We Improve Challenging Risks
Nobody wants to lose their home to a wildfire. Our experts provide clear, actionable strategies to help people mitigate their property’s risk and protect their most precious assets.
We Determine the Insurability of Each Risk
By utilizing our underwriters in-depth expertise and data from Property Guardian risk reports, Green Shield drives better underwriting outcomes.
We Make Insurance Accessible
Enhanced risk selection lowers reinsurance costs and insurance premiums, thus improving coverage affordability and community resilience.

Serious Analytics That Support Our Solutions
Insurance Services
We empower insurance pros to offer their clients better solutions for their unique needs. Retain clients and hard-earned business.
We’ve created a critical road map to reduce wildfire risk and improve underwriting outcomes.
Property Guardian
Our analytics platform combines ultra-high-resolution imagery, stochastic models and propagation models to deeply understand exposure at the individual property level.
Hear from Our Experts
Green Shield’s Approach to Insuring Catastrophic Risk
Green Shield is taking a unique approach to insuring catastrophic risk. Hear from Head of Risk Mitigation Strategy Gary Raphael about why we are different than anyone else in the property market.
Video: 1 min, 02 sec
Tackling Wildfire Risk with Technology
Green Shield utilizes a variety of state-of-the-art technology tools to tackle wildfire risk. Learn more about how these tools differentiate us from our Head of Wildfire Insights & Mitigation Paul Brady.
Video: 1 min, 04 sec

Let’s Connect
Learn about our proactive approach to prevent and protect properties against catastrophic loss